The best sustainable and quality tourism so you can get to know the interior of Cantabria and its people. Get to know their customs, their traditions, their origins, traditional activities that have been practiced for many years in which you can enter. There are many products made in Cantabria, you can not miss their craft workshops, the places where they produce their sobaos, their quesadas or their anchovies.
Cantabria offers us multiple activities to be able to carry out experience tourism. Here are some of them:
Visit to cheese factories and farms:we offer visits to farms and cheese factories so that you can get to know the rural world from the inside. You will be able to be in direct contact with animals and producers, get to know first-hand their work, their daily care and participate in the tasks they perform.
Visit to pomace distilleries:a unique proposal to learn from the hand of its producers how the entire process of distillation of pomace, a typical product of Cantabria, is carried out.
Visit to beer producers:great temptation of this guided tour with tastings included, in addition to other experiences focused on beer. Cantabria, has about twenty breweries where you can discover the artisan technique.
Visit to craft workshops:Cantabria offers you the possibility of learning techniques that seem forgotten, such as archery or cutlery among others. Proposals as varied as making your own musical instrument or traditional albarcas (one-piece wooden footwear used to protect your feet from water and dirt on the ground).